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March Newsletter, 2025

Vol. 44 No. BC

Friends … lend me your ears:

Okay, all you Smart Ones – who said this (more or less) and why?

So upcoming on the 15th is the infamous Ides of March, a day we're supposed to remember because of a really traitorous assassination that happened in ancient Rome. But really, remembering this comes down to the amount of storage space you have left in your brain. And yes, I had to ask Alexa to remind me and she told me far more than I wanted to know.

I don't suppose any of you treat the Ides (the day falling in the middle of the month) like a formal holiday, you know, like the 4th of July but different, and serve up hot dogs and chips and baked beans and toast old Julius with a Heineken? (The Italians believe life isn't worth living without beer, so yes, they guzzle Italian-made birra (who knew) when attending soccer games.)

BRIEF PAINLESS INFO: THE HEIR OF WHITESTONE, my new historical romance with mystery and lots of humor, has a home, Kensington Press, but as of yet, I still don't know when it's coming out. Will keep you posted. Amazon's audio arm Brilliance will be doing the audio.

Taxes are done and we celebrate with a pizza (to honor Caesar). How about you guys? Are we talking virtue or "please let me put this off as long as possible? My head hurts."

Don't forget the Spring Equinox on the 20th and the yearly trek to your favorite clearing in the woods to dance sky-clad and sing and chant around a cluster of gnarly branches. I sing soprano, others alto, and an occasional exhibitionist guy shows up and harmonizes with bass.

Everyone, don't forget to watch for the lions and the lambs.


Looking north from Tennessee Point
Looking north from Tennessee Point
Tennessee Point looking out at the Pacific
Tennessee Point looking out at the Pacific