Vol. 8 No. 71
Welcome back to my once-a-month newsletter. First thing, THANK YOU for all your amazingly over-the-top, 4th of July fireworks (or fire-words), about LABYRINTH. Because of you, it came in at #2 on the New York Times combined hardcover/ebook list and #2 on USA Today. Yes, that deserves another THANK YOU and more sparklers.
I’m currently working on the 24th FBI thriller for – gasp – 2020 – isn’t that terrifyingly amazing? It’s titled DEADLOCK. Imagine a medium called Zoltan, a strange Red Box delivered personally to Savich at the Hoover Building –- and imagine yourself falling into a strange, evil miasma -– Ah, I can see it now, your timbers are starting to shiver. Savich and Sherlock are eyebrows deep in some weird ****.
FOOTBALL: I’m excited about two things this season: l) Tom Brady is reported as playing like a thirty-year-old – do you think it’s being married to gorgeous Gisele and eating lettuce leaves? and 2) the Cleveland Browns are gratefully BACK ON TRACK – please, powers that be, it’s time for the dogs to get the bags off their heads. Go Baker Mayfield and company. We’ll be starting the yearly football pool on my Facebook page – so come join the fun. The top three winners get a readable sort of goody, namely one of my books, but it IS winners’ choice. What more can you ask? (Well, lots more, but get a grip.)
Summer days are winding down and what does that mean? You fricking wake up to the DARK, not the lovely summer sun bright in your face. But the good side? The kids are back in school. Now, is that a toss up or what?
Catherine Coulter