19 Days Before LABYRINTH: July mini-newsletter
I finally found Labyrinth in the fork of an old oak tree, unable to hide from me because the cover really likes to show itself off. Gnarly back here in the woods beside my house, a cliff edge too close -- oh Mama, be careful. Who stole my only copy and placed it right here near the heart of a labyrinth (get it?), hidden in the shadowy dense forest and scrabbly undergrowth? Was it the Amazon delivery guy? (I know him so well I even know the name of his terrier – Cupid) Was it a lost meter reader reader who couldn’t wait? Or was it the kind relative who dropped by to admire the cover, so he said? All of their fingerprints, including my kind relative, will doubtless be in CODIS. One of these folk is soooo busted.